Sunday, 29 July 2012

If you didn’t care till now, this is the time

If you have been like this in relationship dynamics of new and old friends and acquaintances, pause for a moment, step back a bit, shed the translucent screen of reliance, understand the dynamics from a fresh perspective, appraise the situation, face the facts, pleasant or bitter, and take a decision, to continue, to keep a safe distance or to discard, because you have to reinvent such associations from time to time in the light of changed situations, newly emerged influences, new environment, sensing others changed temperament, believes, and attitudes. You might find after situational analysis that you don’t have to change anything at all in the present association dynamics, but if you have to, you can’t afford not to realize it as early as possible. You don’t want to be a victim of ignorance. Even friendship and business associations need recurring validation for a healthy relation to continue. Reality check is name of the game. 

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

You do need someone to warn you from dangers in business

Call it inertia, call it ignorance or stubbornness, we tend to get caught in our own illusionary perspective of what is a safe business environment and who are trustworthy and dependable people in your domain. You got to acknowledge the fleeting and dynamic nature of relationship in business environment. You got to be aware of the powerful external influences which can alter the perspective and behavior of business stakeholders without you notice or without warning. You have to be conscious, attentive and adaptive to the ever changing business and corporate landscape. No point complaining. Just intuition is not enough; you might need someone or few trustworthy people around you who can validate your intuition. 

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Dream big but dream wide awake.

Dream today, dream often, but dream with your will not leave it at the mercy of time. Best thing about willful day dreaming is that it’s all yours, no one else knows, there is no limitation on your dream, no boundaries. You realize something only if you dream it first. Don’t delay don’t postpone, do it now, when you are travelling in a public transport, when you are driven in your car, dream in your bed before you are asleep tonight, dream in your bed when you wake up tomorrow, dream when your are sitting idle now, dream if you don’t like something, dream when you really like something, dream of what you think is achievable and dream of what nobody think is achievable. You dream and you realize your dream, only if you dream. 

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Avoiding negative people is much more crucial than seeking positive company

Get rid of them from your hangout list as soon as possible, from your social network list, take a different route, come early or leave little late from office even if this is what it takes to avoid people with negative vibes. Don’t get into argument with such people, simply change the topic or leave the discussion spot. You don’t want to argue with a person, whom you don’t even want to face, do you. Argument is not going to change that person or his or her behavior, nor your point of view about him or her. It will only reinforce your previous not so good experience. If you can’t avoid them due to situation just mind your own business. Find out innovative ways to avoid them like you find out innovative ways and means to get in touch with positive influences in your life.   

Friday, 13 July 2012

They won’t tell you they already know because they really didn’t know until you pointed out!!

It’s Showtime!! When it’s time to showcase your expertise on some subject, you have to be little cautious considering you might not be the only one in the room who has expertise on said subject. You will be surprised to know how much that person sitting in front of you knows about the subject which you are talking about. At least it appears so. At least they can pretend to. Don’t be surprised. Here is the catch. There is a chance that the person sitting in front of you might be very knowledgeable, there is an equal chance that this person is faking it, giving an air or knowledgeable person, authority on the subject and even you can do that. You only have to pretend affirmatively and authoritatively that this idea which someone is proposing is not new at all, pretending that it’s your one brainchild or at least you came across this idea or fact or information many times before. This will show your authority, at the same time that person with feel little awkward and will start doubting his own authority on the subject. This is a bad thing to do so don’t do that. But always keep in mind that majority of people around you with apparent knowledgeable authority is faking it, you got to see content of that person beneath his or her confidence. Confidence without real knowledge or content is not going to lead anyone anywhere. And also don’t feel disheartened if someone claims your knowledge or idea as their own, you know it’s yours, and they know it’s a trick that they are playing on you as always just because they are in a position to do that to you.         

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Secret of business is a myth!!

How many patents they claim in business innovation domain every year if there is any such thing as “secret formula of business success”. Now compare it with scientific and technical patent numbers. Business is a dynamic environment which mutates and transforms its way of functioning and operation every season, every year and every decade. It might not be a wise idea to conclude and arrive at a single formula for best business result, because landscape also tends to change as per region and catchment of operation.  And hence they device tailored business solutions for desired need and outcome. There is no business school which can transform a layman into a businessman; they simply empower and enable those who are already business minded. They teach tricks of the trades based on the centuries of collective business experience of the world leaving them with an observant curiosity and tenacity to learn as they grow. In this open knowledge economy business knowledge is not a constraint. If you have guts, if you have vigor and if you really want and feel to get into business, you can do that anyway and if you don’t feel that surge of thrill when you are up to business go find a day job. If you really want to be a successful entrepreneur from deep within, you will find whole world is there to make your dream come true, you will find every other successful person is willing to share piece of their mind, though there is no business success secrets as such, it’s the experience of your own and others which will empower you. You will start learning from small things and events around you, you will see business opportunity in little things and events with which you encounter every day, but only if you really want to be an entrepreneur. It’s about perspective not the formula.