Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Dwelling on achievements

One takes pride on his/her achievement. Why not? They have achieved something and should celebrate their success. But past glory of success should not overshadow the present effort and future prospects.   

We often get caught in the glorification of past success accentuated by praise of others and tend to miss the present opportunities. When achievement becomes achieved, politely accept it and move forward to achieve the next big target. 

Dwelling on past success is affair of an average mentality, its affair of those who does not have anything exciting at present to share or waiting in the cards. Dwelling on self glorified past is a habit, which makes you self obsessed, its little difficult to break, but it’s better to shed. Those memories of successful moments in life of course give you a positive kick, just keep those alive in your mind to share with your grandchildren, but don’t linger on it, don’t dwell on it. Those who dream big, they are always on the move, always chasing, with occasional pause to rejuvenate their mind, body and soul, 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Solution also needs maintenance

We are always looking for permanent solution in business and personal life, or solution to solve the problems of world, the poverty, hunger, or financial meltdown, fighting back to solve the problem. There is no conclusion, no single solution when we are searching for answer.

Solutions are temporary and fleeting in nature, larger the issue more volatile is the solution, in business every day throws a new challenge, and one need to respond sincerely with appropriate answer, keeping in mind that this solution is temporary in nature, solution has to be reinvented in course of time in the light of ever changing business landscape and technological evolution, even if the problem remains same. 

Its solution, which you were looking for…

He was lost and he lost.

He was confused, lost, caught in the process; he was so much into the process that he forgot the purpose, lost the track of time. He did not know the purpose, he didn’t ask for propose, he had a task given and time ample, he didn’t bothered. When he realized it was too late, and they shouted and they blamed. He listened and he promised but he did same again.  

This is a common story of any person who is trying to earn livelihood, in majority of cases and at many occasions. We often lose the focus, the purpose. Purpose is to find out solution, whether its business, a project, a client’s requirement or a question staring right into your eyes. Solution is, what you were looking for, there are many choices to make many ways to define, many ways to solve the same question.  A war can be fought in a battlefield, with thousands of lives at stake or same can be resolved in a secret meeting room by signing a peace agreement. It’s not about how we do it; it’s about what we want. Solution. And there are ways and means to arrive at solution, at work place and in business and at home in much more peaceful, effortless, economic and pleasing ways.   

You know, you will win.

Which way out..

Delving deep into the question show you the way out, not escaping from it.

Escape or avoidance of particular problem might give you an assumed temporary relief but that problem will be waiting there for you to return, waiting intact, waiting to be addressed, to be addressed with most sincere effort. Apply your brain or seek help, but address it now, might improve it later. You will witness and wonder how many will come forward to help, to lend a hand if you seek help, if they won’t be able to give you money they will surely give to wisdom, a piece of their mind, a piece of their experience. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

How to earn money fast and how about a second job?

There are no shortcuts as such to earn money fast, but there are ways and tricks to enhance the possibilities and probability of earning money faster than business as usual. It needs hard work and determination backed by industry knowledge. You need to choose an industry, which is your area of interest, but be cautious to choose an industry which has either future growth potential or proven good track record.  One has to be persistence with a touch of patience, but should be ready as well to take the risk.

Risk has to be calculated and you should not put everything at stake in one go. One should be ready with a realistic backup plan as well. 

One suggestion for people with regular job who are also aspiring future entrepreneur is that you should expand your knowledge base in your future business area while you are continuing your day job and you can also expand your area of operation, may be a secondary income apart from your day job either in your chosen field or through, blogging, affiliate marketing, writing, freelance job etc. to support your dream. When there is a regular and sufficient income from your second job you can either continue with your second job with continuously reinventing your strategies or you can switch your job for a full-fledged launch of personal business. 

Learn how to materialise every Business Opportunity which comes your way in the following post -

How to choose Best Name for your Business

Words are loaded with emotions; also, same word holds different meaning for different region, community, age group, audience, ethnic groups, etc.  There is much competition in the industry as well and most of the first few names which come into your mind for your business or company are already occupied, web domains are already registered, you will find hundreds of similar names already in use. Company name also attracts legal attention, copyright and similar issues. So, one has to be very careful while choosing a name for their company.

Name signifies a lot about a lot many things, like the nature of business, geographic presence, direction of business, attitude of company etc.

Choose a name which is distinctly unique, may be a combination of few words or derived from them, but be careful to choose words from mainstream industry, so that it makes some sense to a layman or your target customers

Create a name which is global in its appeal even if you start local, because you might have to go global if future.

You can also choose a name which is derived from the very core of historical and cultural treasure of the region where you have launched your business, signifying its root.

Come up with a name with which people can relate themselves.

Choose a name which is easy to remember and has potential for word of mouth publicity.

Choose a name which is positive is its appeal.

Understand the legality of your business, choose your business name and content which is unique and does not attract legal notice. You can consult a lawyer or accounts consultants for further legal and procedural guidance.

Learn 25 Rules of success for business and online startups in the following article

How to motivate your sales team

There is no predefined highest achievable target when it comes to sales and it varies from product to product and service to service, so there is always some scope of improvement, but one can always push the target further and chase it, which should be further backed by rewards and incentive through company policy to motivate the sales team, Chasing an apparently difficult target gives a thrill and help keep the team and employees positively charged. Motivation can surely help. One can try short term training program or organizing a workshop by influential and motivating mentor in said field.

To know what’s common between successful business leaders see the following article

How to raise money to start a small business

If your requirement is of larger scale you can approach any bank but only after consultation and advice from a Chartered accountant or any related accounts personal or may be people in your business field,

Borrowing loans from friend and family may be a good idea if your requirement is not big.

Review your business plan once aging scale it down to make it more realistic,

You can bootstrap if needed, you can also cut down on fancy technological stuffs and save on fancy office interior at the beginning of your business

There is no end till what time you will keep on saving, launch when you think its right time,

Do take your intuition in account,

Know Top Advantages of Niche Marketing, in the following article

Key to TV Commercial business

TV commercials are highly competitive in nature and since viewers are getting more and more aware every day about the products, while being exposed to tempting products and offers of so many rival companies through different social media streams, one has to be very cautious while getting into TV commercial business. Few tips and question to ask yourself to get into TV commercial business -

Create a portfolio with different brands and products,

Focus on developing theme and script of your commercial no matter even if you are selling imaginary brands.

Test the commercials online through YouTube and different media channel.

Learn from the viewer’s feedback, re-launch the next version

It’s not just about what brand you choose to promote it’s about how you take an ordinary product and create a brand out of it.

It’s about how well you convey the message across to the audience, in that short period of time,

How sticky is your commercial, is it good enough for word of mouth publicity?

Does it have potential to go viral online?

Does it have wow factor?

Learn 25 Rules of success for business and online startups in the following article

Do you need to go to college to be an entrepreneur?

It partially depends on what kind of business you want to start. Formal educations up to the college might not be necessary for some creative entrepreneurs but it helps you on many fronts like personality development, interaction skill, of course industry knowledge, business intricacies etc. but usually pre-college education can help understand the basics of business dynamics, and will help interact with people in general and specifically client. Whether college or not one should definitely learn basic finance and one can always keep increasing their business and industry knowledge while keeping track of market affairs. 

In this information age it’s easier than ever to acquire knowledge, through different social media streams. It’s an open knowledge economy; people are much more open and willing to share their success stories, business tricks, business pitfalls and lessons compared to past. Feedback was never so readily available through the emergence of blogs, forums, etc. There are ample success stories to justify the need of formal education and equal ample stories where successful entrepreneurs have emerged without formal college education, but there were few common traits in both the categories, which is – Vision, determination, hard work, persistence and continual search for knowledge while reinventing themselves. 

Learn how to read a business bestseller before it’s written in the following post

Saturday, 10 March 2012

What should be the Long-term Targets of an online business and startups?

It’s very important to have a vision for any company and its process and strategies should be aligned to that long term vision to make it sustainable. Long term targets are generally macro level targets spread over the period of 10 to 15 years or more. Some of the essential long term targets for any online business can be-

To get established as a trusted and honest brand

To get recognized as one of the leading business faces of the industry

To get recommended as a stable brand with strong track record and consistent performance

To be known for excellence in service and product

To globally establish itself as a known brand

Should have a client portfolio which showcases some of the biggest and trusted  brands nationally and worldwide

Should have a project portfolio which showcases a healthy mix of projects which help establish company’s expertise

To accomplish some of the most challenging tasks in their industry

Should have a well established company culture and Vision in which employees have faith.

Learn Top 10 suggestions for new start-ups and entrepreneurs -

What should be the "Medium-term Targets" of online business startups?

Getting recognized and getting positive publicity in virtual world is much easier than the physical market domain and every startup should utilise the marketing and brand building advantages of virtual world

They need to get established as a brand in the period of 3-5 years nationally while spreading its presence globally.

They need to get noticed and get compared with some of the big companies in their industry, due to their uniqueness, innovation and great services, if not on financial parameter.

They need to expand their business in term of manpower in this growth period, they need to hire and retain faithful employees to share workload so that they can focus on larger picture

They need to start leveraging their business through synergy with similar business possibilities, like expanding their product base,

They should have a long list of loyal clients and repeat customers by now-  list length will depend on niche, demand and competition

They should have even longer list of prospective clients by now, 50 to100 or more depending, niche, location, demands etc.

They should definitely get coverage by both social and print media in the period of 3-5 years either for their contribution to that particular industry or for their unique approach, product or services, or at least for some good reason. Its very important for brand positioning.

Learn about Long-term Targets of an online business and startups

Friday, 9 March 2012

25 Rules of success for business and online startups

Launch early - you can’t afford to wait till you have a 100% fail-safe plan

Learn from your mistakes

Don’t repeat the same mistakes again, ..

Understand the legality of your business, choose your business name and content which is unique and does not attract legal notice.

Leverage your business through common attributes..

Create business synergy among many businesses or support service or product line

Improve your products, services and online experience based on customer’s feedback..

Reduce number of clicks to sell your products online

Reduce turnaround time

Promote relevant products

Do not get spread too thin doing multiple task yourself

Hire people for those parts of business you don’t like doing yourself

Keep track of your accounts from the day one; you are going to need those details on way to success

Maintain professional attitude from the get go …

Maintain focus- it’s easy to get distracted..

Be careful while hiring or joining friends for business…

Hang out with people with positive vibes, avoid people with negative spirit

Listen to criticism passively and discard everything which demotivates you

Utilize technological possibilities and help at your disposal ..

Utilize social media potential or hire someone to help you optimize it for you

Create a product or service capable of triggering word of mouth publicity…

Pause to have a reality check, review and restrategize if needed…

Pause to appreciate what you have been doing

Don’t judge your success by someone else eye, only you know what you are getting from your business apart from money, things like satisfaction, attention , authority, control on your time and life etc. ..

Pay to yourself and feel good about you and what you have created.

Learn how to materialise every Business Opportunity which comes your way -

Monday, 5 March 2012

How to manage Business risk

Take calculated risk

Never put all your eggs in one basket

Have a functional back up plan ready

Assess vulnerability of your business plan on different parameters and varied possible future scenarios

Keep a flexible business mindset to quickly negotiate changing business dynamics

Don't regret on mistakes made, learn from mistakes, change the strategies and move forward

Maintain professionalism in in your work even if you are doing business with friends,

Always keep few alternate revenue sources or prospects around your business, it will give you hope and boost your moral when business in down.

Always be prepared to materialize approaching business opportunity

Learn how to materialise every Business Opportunity which comes your way in the following post -

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Reading bestsellers before it’s written

You can't really afford to wait till someone gets inspired or disappointed or elevated or frustrated from everyday life or everyday business and compiles vivid colorful stories and experiences to mesmerize you, writes it down, get it published and waits till it hits the chart of bestseller, and book goes viral. By the time you are reading the book on a business trip journey or on a lazy Sunday afternoon story is as old as the first inspiration of bestseller writer which might be as old as his or her childhood memory or a decade or a year or few months old. You know the lightning pace at which the world and technology is changing, strategies evolving, myths are made and broken, breakthrough happening and believes are shattered as well as strengthened. You can judge yourself the relevance of those consolidated ideas in form of literature at this moment. 

Why not to have a glimpse of what’s going on at present in the human psyche and interaction, their hopes and aspirations. Why to wait till some skilled author will compile all this for you. Why not to go and read the first hand experiences and aspirations and lessons of millions out there writing every bit of their mind, a collective real time literature of mankind on blogs and forums and websites. Just be wise enough to know which information to relevant and which to discard. 

Similar is the process to understand your business from customer’s point of view. Now learn how to build and sell brand image of your business in following article-

Business setbacks as measurement scale.

Setbacks are part and parcel of business dynamics, sometimes business has high growth momentum, at times its all time low . What is business without a little bit of thrill. Setback is the measurement of how much risk you take in business, its part of business thrill. If you didn't ever have setback probably you didn't take enough risk. Come out of your comfort zone and have courage to take risk. Calculate the risk, have a backup plan and go ahead. You can't wait till business plan is 100 percent perfect; otherwise you will be too late in the market. 

Learn what to do when things go wrong in Business here –

Why and how of customer service

Why customer service?

It helps you retain customers

Returning loyal customers

You get word of mouth publicity

If your product is same as your competitors, you should have something sort of service edge which will keep customers busy talking about

How to service?

Customized services

Deliver wow

Launching regular new products will keep customers busy and coming back

Learn what are the top problems faced by new business owners in providing customer service in the following post -

How to minimise obstacles between customer and product online

Give crisp and precise information regarding product or services

Provide customised information to repeat customer

Eliminate the membership and signup process for payment

Reduce the number of clicks from landing page to payment once and reduce it again

Using behavioral tracking software for optimised user experience

Create engaging audiovisual user interface

Induce surprise elements in the website to keep them stick to website till the payment is done

Learn about the top 5 problems faced by new startups in providing customer service here -

How to deal with business competition

If you think you can beat the competitor with rock bottom pricing, it can only be a short term strategy, its not sustainable. Bringing prices down to attract the customers will only reduce your profit margin, and you are only likely to compromise with quality of product or services.

To survive the competition or to win it, all you need to do is to provide uniqueness in your product or service or both to the end users. When number of people is selling the same product or service you need to differentiate yourself from the masses through innovation in product and services. 

Another advantage of having uniqueness in product and service is that you can dictate and control the prices and slowly a unique category of loyal customers emerges to buy your product and services, which also help promote your business through word of mouth publicity. You will need to create your own niche market by providing uniqueness to cope with Competition. Know top advantages of Niche Marketing, here -