You can’t fabricate favorable circumstances as per your wish all the time and at the same time someone or a bunch of some unlikely few can fabricate a situation not so favorable to you. Sometimes fabricated, sometimes accidental. Unlikely but possible and can happen without your knowledge and at times very swiftly. What would be your strategy? Which way out? Deal it whichever way but just don’t give up, because you know there is light at the end of tunnel. Might be lost today, might be clueless today but when you are out of darkness, out of that mess you will be incharge of your own destiny and showman of your own moves.

Follow @DiaryofMentor
In those unfavorable circumstances trust your intuition, stay calm, weigh and assess in long term, don’t bother about every small loss. Your immediate priority is to survive and get going with least damage and to bounce back. If situation demands to calculate- Be Calculative- calculate your risks, create a backup plan, use the part of brain which you haven’t ever used, Use the network you didn’t ever used. You can and you should govern your own circumstances.
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